Category: Writing Music

This section is to help you write music. It will go over different aspects of music theory. To get a head start with writing music on a guitar get our Fretboard mastery video series in our shop section.

Common chord progressions and keys can vary across different genres of music, but certain patterns have become widely used due

Common chord progressions and keys

Common chord progressions and keys can vary across different genres of music, but certain patterns have become widely used due to their pleasing and familiar sound. Here are some common chord progressions and keys: Common Chord Progressions: Common Keys: Remember that these progressions and keys are just starting points, and creativity often comes from experimentation
Songwriters often do well until they have to write a bridge. Most do not know how to write a bridge because it often breaks up the current groove and pattern they are stuck in. This article should help you get beyond that.

How to write a bridge for a song

Songwriters often do well until they have to write a bridge. Most do not know how to write a bridge because it often breaks up the current groove and pattern they are stuck in. This article should help you get beyond that. Determining the chords for a bridge in a musical composition involves a combination
Strings and Emotions: A Deep Dive into Guitar Chords, Progressions, and Real-Life Examples In the intricate world of music, chords

Guitar Chords, Progressions, and Real-Life Examples

Strings and Emotions: Guitar Chords, Progressions, and Real-Life Examples In the intricate world of music, chords and progressions act as architects, shaping the emotional contours of a composition. For guitar enthusiasts and musicians, mastering these elements is the key to transforming strings into a potent tool for expressing a spectrum of emotions. This article serves